This card explodes when the timer reaches 1.
You may NOT play your bomb card. This card may only be removed from your hand through the actions of other cards. Once the time reaches 1, all the bomb cards explode and anyone holding one is eliminated from the game.
You may survive 1 bomb card detonation if you are also holding the Shield card.
Skip the next players turn.
The player that would have gone next misses their turn.
If the next player plays an undo card, then the skipped player may take their turn, and it is then the turn of the player who played the undo card again.
If the skipped player then plays another undo card, then by playing the card that skips the turn in which they’re playing the card, they’ve created a paradox which should be considered an illegal move.
Skip everyone’s turn.
Skip every players turn, move the timer down by 1 (as you would have done at the end of the round anyway) and take your next turn.
Reduce the time by 1.
Move the dice down by 1 number.
Extend the timer by 1.
Move the dice up by 1 number.
Everyone pass all your cards to the player on your right.
Excluding any player that has played a protection card this turn, all players pass all cards to the player on their right.
Give another player a card from your hand.
Choose any card in your hand, give that card to any player.
Reverse the effects of the last card played.
Undo the effects that took place as a result of the last card played.
If this card is played after someone has played a fast hands card, only reverse the effects of the final card that was played.
Move the timer to whichever number you like.
Turn the dice to whichever number pleases you.
Take a card from another player.
Choose another player. That player must hold out their cards, facing down, without showing any. You must pick one, that card is yours now.
Swap a card from your hand with a card from another player.
Choose another player. That player must hold out their cards face down, without showing any. You must pick one, to swap with a card of your choice from your own hand.
No-one may alter your hand until your next turn.
Until it is this players next turn AND they play a card, the cards in this players hand will stay exactly as they are. No-one may steal, swap, or gift this player any cards. If the Chaos card is played, it affects everyone EXCEPT this player.
If the players next turn is skipped, they are still protected until the next time they play a card.
The redistribute card over rules this card.
Repeat the effects of the last card played.
You must treat this card as if it were the same as the last card that has been played.
Example: if this card is played after a swap card has been played, you must treat this card as if it is a swap card as well.
Play this card and two more cards this turn.
You must resolve the effects of each card played before the next one can be played.
If you play 2 fast hands cards in a row, you may play 3 extra cards. If you use the copy card to play 3 fast hands cards in a row, you may play 4 extra cards. If you use the copy card to play 4 fast hands cards in a row, you may play 5 extra cards.
If one of the extra cards you play is the chaos card, resolve the effects of the chaos card, and then continue playing your extra cards, from the new hand, if any are still to be played.
All bomb cards return to the original player hands
Place all the active bomb cards in the middle. Every player takes 1 bomb card.
This card is the only card that over rules the protection card.
You may survive one bomb detonation.
Keep this card in your hand, do not play this card.
If this card is in your hand when the timer reaches 1, you may also have exactly one bomb card in your hand and not be eliminated from the game.
All Bombs explode, must be played with detonation card 2/2.
This card can only be played if the owner has Detonation 1/2 AND Detonation 2/2.
If you have both cards, you may play them as if they were one single card.
If you play these cards, all of the bomb cards explode, and anyone holding one is eliminated from the game.
All Bombs explode, must be played with detonation card 1/2.
This card can only be played if the owner has Detonation 1/2 AND Detonation 2/2.
If you have both cards, you may play them as if they were one single card.
If you play these cards, all of the bomb cards explode, and anyone holding one is eliminated from the game.